Add these classic sounds to the more esoteric offerings (the simmering funk of 'Choo Choo' or the minimalist lolloping groove of 'Nobody' for example) and you have the most rounded and satisfying offering yet. It was raining a lot in Los Angeles while we were recording, you can hear it tapping on the windows of the garage here and there if you listen closely." STAFF COMMENTSīarry says: Classic Mac this, snappy CR-78, lo-fi chord swells and Demarco's unmistakeable vocals.

My travelling sound man Yakitori Santar helped me track it and put it together as well. I played all the instruments, except for a little bit of keyboard here and there, which was played by my touring keyboard player, and friend for most o me life now, Alec Meen. This record was recorded in my garage during the first two weeks of January 2019. Previously, Mac exclusively released music through Captured Tracks. Before realizing that your surroundings don’t necessarily define who you are, I felt very uncomfortable in the company of that culture. Mac DeMarco returns with his album, Here Comes the Cowboy, the first album to be released on his new independent label, Macs Record Label. Mac is excited to announce the debut of his new label, Mac’s Record Label, today. Where I grew up there are many people that sincerely wear cowboy hats and do cowboy activities, these aren’t the people I’m referring to. The rusty old grinning pin on the front and back covers of the record was purchased from a man in the mountains somewhere in the Nantahala National Forest between Chattanooga, TN and Asheville, NC. Mac DeMarco biography and history on AllMusic including birthday, best songs, existing and new album information, and more. Cowboy is a term of endearment to me, I use it often when referring to people in my life. First off, thank you for listening to my new record.