Nowadays, Paul Griffiths comes closest to filling this ecological niche. It makes the reader delight in the writer’s generosity-a generosity that never loses its focus while praising each performer on his or her own merit.” -Alfred Brendel, pianist and author of Alfred Brendel on Music: Collected Essays (Chicago Review Press) “Music criticism in the English language has been fortunate in attracting distinguished writers, such as George Bernard Shaw and Ezra Pound. Just look up his piece on a performance of Giulio Cesare. “If, as I think, a music critic should be distinguished by three features: an informed and passionate involvement with new music, an imaginative and civilised turn of the phrase, and the readiness to warmly appreciate, Paul Griffiths has to be counted among the leading lights of this precarious trade. Yet the net’s aim was always the same, to catch the substance of things heard.” P R A I S E F O R PA U L G R I F F I T H S

The stories that follow cover a wide range of events over a period of great change. Yet we are verbal creatures, and strive with words to cast a net around it, knowing most of this immaterial stuff will evade capture. F R O M T H E A U T H O R ’ S P R E FA C E